Welcome to My Generic Homepage!!!!!!!
Yes, this is my miserably home on the web. Isn't technbology great. Who needs
bandwidth when you can do terrible things like this to confuse search engines.Here
you can find nothing whatsoever of interest about me because all of the personal
information is either too hard to read against my generic background or because
I never update it.
is the bit where I have a link to one of my friends who can actually write HTML
And over here you can link to some sites I think are COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
I've even (c) this page to me 1999, 2000 and for ever after, there's nothing
on it though so no one cares.
If I was feeling really anal now, I'd also include a huge list of sites which
never gets updated, massive pictures of my pets taken with our free digital
camera and a counter so that I can feel depressed by the small number of people
which come and visit me, in fact, I'll put one here:
see if I can draw then.