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 Project Galactic Guide

During some of my spare time I work as a field researcher for Project Galactic Guide. This is a colaborative online attempt to create a real version of the Hitch Hikers' Guide to the Galaxy. Inspiration strikes me at odd times and about all manner of topics. I have now written thirteen articles although some are currently lost in the murky depths of the official review process.

This section of the website contains the most recent versions of those articles along with some of my article ideas and other guide related mish mash. My articles can be accessed using the links at the side of this page.

If you want to know more about the Guide, you might like to take a moment to read the archives, contribute to the newsgroup (alt.galactic-guide) or even write an article yourself. You can search the full archives using the fully functional cross-integrated sub-ether pseudo-audio-vibratory physio-molecular search engine below.

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 ^Back to Top^ | ©Alex Gough Mon Mar 14 2005 ...more than you might imagine.