How To Format Your Entries

Plain Text

This is a simple sample paragraph. Paragraphs can have line breaks internally. To separate paragraphs, use a blank line.

Here is another paragraph.

To create a horizontal line, type 4 or more minus/dash/hyphen (-) characters, like this: ----

Page, URL and Inter-Wiki Links

You can link to a page by putting two square brackets around one or more words [[Like This]] or [[this]].

Non-existing pages, like [Demo Link Please Don't Actually Create This]?, will be displayed with a question-mark for a link. The question mark link indicates the page doesn't exist yet - follow the link to create and edit the page. When the page exists, a link to it will be displayed like this: How To Format Your Entries. You can also give the link a title, [[How To Format Your Entries | like this]], which is displayed like this. Note the | symbol between the page name and link text.


The old-fashioned way of naming wiki pages was to SmushCapitalisedWordsTogetherLikeThis. This method is strongly discouraged here; in fact, we've turned it off since it's ugly.

You can make a link to another page by just typing the URL, e.g. . If you want, you can give the link some title text in this fashion.

[ this fashion]

Bold and Italic Text

To mark text as bold or italic, you can use the HTML <b> and <i> tags if you wish (e.g. <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>, and <b><i>bold+italic</i></b>), or the traditional wiki method of text formatting:

  • ''Two single quotes'' for italics
  • '''Three single quotes''' for bold
  • '''''Five single quotes''''' for bold and italic.


Much as apostrophes are used to denote bold and italic, equals signs are used to denote headings. Thus:

= Heading 1 =
== Heading 2 ==
=== Heading 3 ===
==== Heading 4 ====
===== Heading 5 =====
====== Heading 6 ======

This is what's produced by the above:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Note those spaces between the equals signs and the text of the heading! It won't work otherwise. It also won't work if your numbers of equals signs are unbalanced:

not a heading


To display an image, use HTML IMG tags.

Please think carefully before displaying huge images on a page.


Unordered Lists

* First-level unordered list item
** Second-level unordered list item
*** Third-level unordered list item - etc.

This produces:

  • First-level unordered list item
    • Second-level unordered list item
    • * Third-level unordered list item

As you can see this is not yet fully implemented.

Ordered Lists

Not yet implemented.

Definition Lists

Not yet implemented.

Indented Text

: Text to be indented (quote-block)
:: Text indented more
::: Text indented to third level

This produces:

 Text to be indented (quote-block)
 : Text indented more
 :: Text indented to third level

(Incompletely implemented.)

Preformatted Text

You can use the HTML <pre> tag to present preformatted text, as in the following.

This is a chunk of

preformatted text. Lovely,

isn't it. Wiki links [like this]? still work.

Last edited 2005-02-16 01:14:43 (version 3; diff). List all versions.