
Tuesday 24 June 2003

Released CGI::Wiki::Plugin::Categoriser 0.02, now with somewhat shonky subcategory support.

Thanks to chromatic's swift and helpful reply, I got my head around part of the new Text::WikiFormat API and sent the lucky guy a proper failing test. Along with another item of confusion a little later.

So perl Build.PL config='sitelib=/home/kake/tmp' doesn't work in Module::Build 0.18_02 - which is admittedly a development version. Shame I need to have that version installed in order to use the create_makefile_pl feature for OpenGuides.

I can't even work out how many levels deep I am in yak-shaving at the moment.

Laptop power supply busted again. Only one week of paid employment remains.

< Wednesday 25 June 2003 Monday 23 June 2003 >


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