
Monday 22 September 2003 - Morning

Warning: this blog may be tedious for the next few weeks. I want to document all the programming tasks that I've been doing, so I can prove to myself that I'm not just being an unemployed slacker, but am working just as hard as when I was being paid, except on my own stuff.

I'm not going to work every day though, since that would involve staying in the house far too much for sanity.

(Yes I have finally given up and admitted that people other than me read this, hence the warning.)

Released CGI::Wiki::Kwiki 0.31 - tidied up the tests as per previous blog entry because the difficulty of testing the previous version was holding me back on further development.

Released CGI::Wiki 0.48, just a few small changes to allow the formatters access to the node metadata - I need this to allow multiple formatters per wiki.

Cast on for CGI::Wiki::Formatter::Multiple - ie, wrote the documentation, Build.PL and a simple use_ok test. I could write a big screed here about similarities I've noticed between knitting and programming, but I won't.

< Monday 22 September 2003 - Afternoon Thursday 18 September 2003 >


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