
Friday 29 August 2003

Released CGI::Wiki 0.47, which makes the ->list_recent_changes method more powerful. Previously it could only filter on the metadata of the current node versions, now it has metadata_was and metadata_wasnt, which take into account metadata of previous versions. The most obvious use for this is that now you can, for example, pick out all edits where the edit_type was "major", even when a node has had a more recent minor edit, or all the nodes edited by me in the last week, even when bob has come along and added some typos :)

This change was an absolute bitch, since I'm a fool and let the data manipulated by my test files get all intertwingled - and the solution is not so simple to just clear out the database at the start of each test file, since SQLite doesn't really like opening databases more than once.

While I was doing all this I found a bug or something in Search::InvertedIndex::DB::Pg, but I was already fed up so I quietly uninstalled it while I wasn't looking and am pretending I didn't see nuffing.

Have started tearing the search script of OpenGuides apart - I want to stick it in a module, make it have tests, make it more clearly coded. The impetus for this is that Ivor wrote it to use CGI to generate all the form stuff, and with the latest CGI release it's all gone screwy. He said he'd sort it out but that was over two weeks ago and I think it kinda needs doing so I made a start.

< Saturday 30 August 2003 - Monday 1 September 2003 Thursday 28 August 2003 >


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