sersniff 0.0.3 - A program to tunnel between 2 serial ports and show what's happening. Copyright 1999 Jonathan McDowell for Project Purple. Introduction: This program was written to aid me with the decoding of the protocol used by the Nokia 9000i Communicator to talk to the NServer software Nokia provides, which only runs under Windows. Having hastily thrown together the code to do what I needed it occured to me that others may have a use for something similiar and that having a skeleton available may help. (Aside: Of course, in the usual tradition of Open Source, someone got there before. Checkout nserver from if your interested in the Nokia stuff.) I feel that the concept could be taken a lot further, with various filters and so on being constructed (given a framework in which to construct them) similiar to that available with ethernet sniffers. This could aid with the disassembly of unknown protocols over serial lines or even for debugging serial connections. Maybe I'll write this code someday, maybe not. Maybe someone else will and will send me a patch. :) Command line options: sersniff [-h] [-i DEVICE | -l PORT] [-o DEVICE | -c HOST:PORT] [-b BAUD] [-s] -h Displays some command line option help. -i IN_DEV Set the device to use for Port1, if you're using serial ports. Default of /dev/ttyS0 -l PORT Set the port to listen on, if you want Port1 to be a TCP socket. -o OUT_DEV Set the device to use for Port2, if you're using serial ports. Default of /dev/ttyS1 -c HOST:PORT Specify the host and port to connect to if Port2 is to be a TCP socket. -b BAUD Specify baud rate for serial connections. Defaults to 19200. -s Make sersniff not copy data between the two ports - useful if a Y cable is being used for serial port sniffing for example. TCP/serial things: This program was originally written to cope with serial port data. I have added simple support for a TCP connection both to aid with development (it's a /lot/ easier for me to generate TCP streams than serial streams) and also because I think a lot of the things that are useful for monitoring a serial port data stream can also be applied to TCP. Taking this further leads to thinking about UDP/raw ethernet - I'll think about it once I get some filtering stuff in. The TCP stuff does a simple listen on a port and then connects to the host/port specified. I see no reason why it couldn't be used to allow telneting to a serial port or connecting from a serial port to a TCP port, but I haven't tested this. Filtering: This is a definite to do. For example, let's assume a regex based scheme. We could implement the current filter as something like: /\x0A/ /\x0D/ /\x1B/ /./ . (Yeah, ok, I need to think about syntax. This doesn't cover the < 32 or > 127 range) But then say we learn a bit about our protocol? Let's assume VT100 for a moment, then we might want: /\x0A/ /\x0D/ /\x1B/ /\x1B[2J/ /\x1B[0m/ /\0x7/ /./ . Now that's more useful, isn't it? And if it came with filters for common serial protocols, that might be useful too? Say a VT100 one, a PPP one, a UUCP one, well, you get the idea hopefully. Anyway, this is a major to do. Just needs me to get a round tuit and think about syntax. Development system: sersniff was originally written under Linux on a 486dx2-66. It is currently being worked on under FreeBSD on a Cyrix P233+. Contacting the author: I can be reached as or on Fidonet as Jonathan McDowell @ 2:443/21 All constructive criticism about sersniff is welcome. License: sersniff is distributed under the GNU Public License, a copy of which should have been provided with this archive as LICENSE.