autodns 1.0.0 - A program to aid auto addition of secondary DNS. Copyright 1999-2006 Jonathan McDowell for Project Purple. Introduction: AutoDNS is a simple Perl script designed to allow the easy addition of secondary DNS zones controlled via email. The principle is simple. AutoDNS accepts a GPG clear signed email on stdin, so can simply be added to a .forward file or whatever. You configure it to know about the key IDs of all the people you wish to be able to setup secondaries on your server and add their keys to the GPG keyring for the user it runs under. The config file is autodns.conf; its location is controlled near the top of - it defaults to /etc/bind/autodns.conf. The other bit of config that's needed is a users file. You'll also need a way for the script to be able to do a "ndc reconfig" to load the info about the new secondary domains - I do this using sudo. The format of commands to AutoDNS is very simple. It current accepts 5 commands: BEGIN Indicate the beginning of a block of commands. END Indicate the end of a block of commands. ADD Add to the list of secondaried domains. DEL Delete from the list of secondaried domains, assuming it's owned by the current user and is being secondaried currently. LIST List secondaried domains. HELP Show basic help. So a typical email would contain: BEGIN ADD END as the body, which would then be signed with gpg --clearsign and sent. AutoDNS will reply with the results of the commands sent to it. Users file The users file is of a very simple format. It contains one user per line like so: ::: So an example would be: noodles:5B430367:0: Lines beginning with a '#' are treated as comments. See autodns.users in the tarball for an example. Contacting the author: I can be reached as All constructive criticism about autodns is welcome. License: autodns is distributed under the GNU Public License, a copy of which should have been provided with this archive as LICENSE.