* Bump debhelper compat level to 10
* Set Rules-Requires-Root to no
+ * Cleanup postinst to avoid recursive chown of database
-- Jonathan McDowell <noodles@earth.li> Thu, 22 Aug 2019 07:18:49 +0100
# Add the onak user
adduser --system --home /var/lib/onak --no-create-home --disabled-login onak
+ # Take ownership of the database and spool directory
+ chown onak /var/lib/onak
+ chown onak /var/spool/onak
+ # Create our logfile
+ touch /var/log/onak.log
+ chown onak /var/log/onak.log
# If we're using a default config and there's no onak database, create it
# by adding my key.
grep -q "^location=/var/lib/onak" /etc/onak.ini &&
[ ! -e /var/lib/onak/num_keydb -a \
-e /usr/share/doc/onak/noodles.key.gz ]; then
- zcat /usr/share/doc/onak/noodles.key | onak -b add
+ zcat /usr/share/doc/onak/noodles.key | runuser -u onak -- onak -b add
- # Take ownership of the database and spool directory
- chown -R onak /var/lib/onak
- chown -R onak /var/spool/onak
- # Create our logfile
- touch /var/log/onak.log
- chown onak /var/log/onak.log
# Make the CGI tools setuid onak
for i in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/pks/*