for t in t/$backend-*.t t/all-*.t; do
total=`expr $total + 1`
mkdir t/db/
- if ! $t $backend; then
+ if ! $t test.conf $backend; then
echo "test $t failed" >&2
fail=`expr $fail + 1`
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0x94FA372B2DA8B985 2> /dev/null | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0x94FA372B2DA8B985 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by keyid."
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0x12345678 2>&1 | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0x12345678 2>&1 | \
grep -q 'Key not found'; then
echo "* Did not correctly error on non-existent key"
exit 1
# Backends should really support this, but the file one is as simple as
# possible, so doesn't. Skip the test for it.
-if [ "$1" = "file" ]; then
+if [ "$2" = "file" ]; then
exit 0
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf index noodles 2> /dev/null | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 index noodles 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- 'pub 4096R/2DA8B985 2008/06/03 Jonathan McDowell'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by text"
exit 1
# Backends should really support this, but the file one is as simple as
# possible, so doesn't. Skip the test for it.
-if [ "$1" = "file" ]; then
+if [ "$2" = "file" ]; then
exit 0
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf hget 81929DAE08B8F80888DA524923B93067 2> /dev/null | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 hget 81929DAE08B8F80888DA524923B93067 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by text"
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0x0E3A94C3E83002DAB88CCA1694FA372B2DA8B985 2> /dev/null | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0x0E3A94C3E83002DAB88CCA1694FA372B2DA8B985 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by keyid."
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0x2DA8B985 2> /dev/null | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0x2DA8B985 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by keyid."
exit 1
# Backends should really support this, but the file one is as simple as
# possible, so doesn't. Skip the test for it.
-if [ "$1" = "file" ]; then
+if [ "$2" = "file" ]; then
exit 0
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0x045281F1B9A66E35 2> /dev/null | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0x045281F1B9A66E35 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by subkey id."
exit 1
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0xFF162FC5CF3FBAD1 2> /dev/null | \
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0xFF162FC5CF3FBAD1 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by subkey id."
exit 1
# Backends should really support this, but the file one is as simple as
# possible, so doesn't. Skip the test for it.
-if [ "$1" = "file" ]; then
+if [ "$2" = "file" ]; then
exit 0
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0xB9A66E35 2> /dev/null | \
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0xB9A66E35 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by subkey id."
exit 1
-if ! ../onak -c test.conf get 0xCF3FBAD1 2> /dev/null | \
+if ! ../onak -c $1 get 0xCF3FBAD1 2> /dev/null | \
grep -q -- '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; then
echo "* Did not correctly retrieve key by subkey id."
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
if [ ! -e db/worddb -o ! -e db/id32db -o ! -e db/keydb.0.db ]; then
echo Did not correctly add key using db4 backend.
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
if [ ! -e db/0x2DA8B985 ]; then
echo Did not correctly add key using file backend.
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-../onak -b -c test.conf delete 0x2DA8B985
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+../onak -b -c $1 delete 0x2DA8B985
if [ -e db/0x2DA8B985 ]; then
echo "* Did not correctly delete key using file backend"
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
if [ ! -e db/key/2D/A8/2DA8B985/94FA372B2DA8B985 ]; then
echo Did not correctly add key using fs backend.
exit 1
set -e
cd t
-../onak -b -c test.conf add < ../keys/noodles.key
-../onak -b -c test.conf delete 0x2DA8B985
+../onak -b -c $1 add < ../keys/noodles.key
+../onak -b -c $1 delete 0x2DA8B985
if [ -e db/key/2D/A8/2DA8B985/94FA372B2DA8B985 ]; then
echo "* Did not correctly delete key using fs backend"
exit 1