--- /dev/null
+onak (0.4.6-1+git) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ Upstream onak has migrated to a new .ini style configuration file,
+ referred to as onak.ini instead of onak.conf. If you had local modifications
+ to /etc/onak.conf they have been retained in /etc/onak.conf.dpkg-bak and
+ automatically migrated to the new style in /etc/onak.ini. If you have any
+ other copies of the configuration (e.g. store in home directories) then
+ the "onak dumpconfig" utility can upgrade them for you. onak is still
+ capable of reading old style configurations but this is expected to go away
+ in a future release and no new configuration options will be available in
+ the old config file format.
+ -- Jonathan McDowell <noodles@earth.li> Tue, 07 Jun 2016 16:05:43 +0100
set -e
if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
+ if dpkg --compare-versions -- "$2" le "0.4.6-1"; then
+ echo "Upgrading from old onak.conf version"
+ if [ -e /etc/onak.conf.dpkg-backup -a ! -e /etc/onak.conf ]; then
+ echo "Migrating onak.conf to onak.ini"
+ # Old config file was modified; generate a new style
+ # file. onak will use the file extension to determine it's
+ # an old style config, so we need the symlink.
+ ln -s /etc/onak.conf.dpkg-backup /etc/onak.conf
+ /usr/bin/onak -c /etc/onak.conf dumpconfig /etc/onak.ini
+ rm /etc/onak.conf
+ fi
+ fi
# Add the onak user
adduser --system --home /var/lib/onak --no-create-home --disabled-login onak
# If we're using a default config and there's no onak database, create it
# by adding my key.
- if grep -q "^db_dir /var/lib/onak" /etc/onak.conf &&
- grep -q "^db_backend db4" /etc/onak.conf &&
+ if grep -q "^backend=defaultdb4" /etc/onak.ini &&
+ grep -q "^location=/var/lib/onak" /etc/onak.ini &&
[ ! -e /var/lib/onak/num_keydb -a \
-e /usr/share/doc/onak/noodles.key.gz ]; then
zcat /usr/share/doc/onak/noodles.key | onak -b add
dpkg-statoverride --update --add onak root 4755 $i
- # If we don't have a DB backend defined, then add appropriate config
- if ! grep -q db_backend /etc/onak.conf; then
- echo "# Auto added on package update" >> /etc/onak.conf
- echo "backends_dir /usr/lib/onak/backends" >> /etc/onak.conf
- echo "db_backend db4" >> /etc/onak.conf
- fi
- # If we still have the old default mail_dir setting, fix it
- if grep -q "mail_dir /community/pgp-keyserver/incoming" /etc/onak.conf; then
- sed -i.bak "s/community\/pgp-keyserver\/incoming/var\/spool\/onak/" \
- /etc/onak.conf
- fi
# way the init script does. Work around this by doing the check here and
# only calling invoke-rc.d if it's actually enabled.
-if grep -q -E '^use_keyd *(true|yes|1)$' /etc/onak.conf; then
+if grep -q -E '^use_keyd=*(true|yes|1)$' /etc/onak.ini; then
invoke-rc.d onak start || exit $?