#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Simon Huggins # catsig deals with choosing a sig # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # You can either specify sigs with # $cfg{'sigs'} # An arrayref to an array of filenames of sigs. # $cfg{'sigdir'} # A scalar containing a directory of all your sig files. # $cfg{'sigmatch'} # A scalar containing a pattern to match the files in sigdir # (full path) against. # # So specifying sigdir without sigmatch takes all the files in that # directory that don't start with a fullstop (period) and specifying # it with sigmatch only takes those that match. # Note that if you specify sigs *AND* sigdir you'll get all of sigs # and anything that sigdir/sigmatch matches. # The program dies if after trying to match it comes up with nothing. use strict; if (defined $cfg{'sigdir'}) { opendir(DIR, $cfg{'sigdir'}) or htagdie "Could not open directory $cfg{'sigdir'}: $!\n"; if (not defined $cfg{'sigmatch'}) { push @{$cfg{'sigs'}}, map { $cfg{'sigdir'} . "/" . $_ } grep { ! /^\./ } readdir(DIR); } else { # Check regexp wouldn't kill us exec { "" =~ $cfg{'sigmatch'};} htagdie "sigmatch contained bad pattern. perl said: $@" if $@; push @{$cfg{'sigs'}}, grep { m,$cfg{'sigmatch'}, } map { $cfg{'sigdir'} . "/" . $_ } readdir(DIR); print STDERR "Got sigmatch == $cfg{'sigmatch'}\n"; } closedir(DIR); } htagdie <$cfg{'tmpsigfile'}") or htagdie "Couldn't open $cfg{'tmpsigfile'}"; print OUT $sig; close(OUT); open(OUT, ">$cfg{'tmpsigfile'}.old") or htagdie "Couldn't open $cfg{'tmpsigfile'}.old"; print OUT $sig; close(OUT); } sub choose_sig { ### Choose a sig and read it into $sig for grepping for @72@ or whatever. my ($sigfile,@oldsiglist,@siglist,$num,$sig); @oldsiglist = @siglist = @{$cfg{'sigs'}}; do { $sig=""; if (@siglist) { # Find and delete $sigfile=splice(@siglist,rand(@siglist),1); } elsif (-r "$cfg{'HOME'}/.sig") { print STDERR "Falling back on ~/.sig\n" if $cfg{'debug'}; $sigfile="$cfg{'HOME'}/.sig"; } else { print STDERR "No sigs specified and no ~/.sig! Using simple tag method\n"; } if (not $sigfile) { $sig=""; write_sig($sig); return; } print STDERR "Using $sigfile\n" if $cfg{'debug'}; open(HANDLE, "<$sigfile") or htagdie "Could not open $sigfile: $!\n"; while() { $sig .= $_ }; close(HANDLE); if ($cfg{'asksig'}) { print STDERR $sig . "\nUse this sig? ([y]/n/q)"; $_ = ; if ($_ =~ /q(?:uit)?/i) { return &quit; } if (not @siglist and $_ =~ /no?/i) { print STDERR "That was the last sig. Reset siglist or quit? ([r]/q)"; $_ = ; if ($_ =~ /q(?:uit)?/i) { return &quit; } @siglist = @oldsiglist; $_ = 'n'; } } } while ($cfg{'asksig'} and $_ !~ /y(?:es)?/i and $_ !~ /^\n$/); write_sig($sig); return; } reg_deletion($cfg{'tmpsigfile'}); reg_deletion("$cfg{'tmpsigfile'}.old"); &choose_sig;