Sat Aug 19 09:56:49 BST 2000 These aren't in priority. If you want to do one, please do and please mail me diffs or plugins or docs etc. * Reformat whole lines I want to be able to say: @MAGIC@ On @D@, this message was brought to you by @S30@ @MAGIC@ And have the MAGIC do things like center or right align or possibly even put over two lines if it is needed. * Write more plugins that do random stuff as examples of what can be done. * Write documentation * Fix bugs * Add more cunning things here. * Add an installer or very explicit Installation documentation. (paddy may do this) Done ==== * Add docs on how to install a module if you are not the sysadmin (request from fudge) * Add a way (probably in a plugin) to differentiate between which plugins are used for which email. I don't want to reply to work email with trivial tags. Or dadadodo on the message etc. == Multiple Config Choosing Support