htag-0.0.23 18th June 2003 1. Plugins ========== works on a plugin system. All the plugins are in the (originally named) plugins directory. They should be moved somewhere sensible and the path to them should be put in the $cfg{'plugindir'} variable in your ~/.htrc If you're installing for the whole box put them in /usr/local/share/huggietag/plugins or some such. A system tagfile could live in /usr/local/share/huggietag too for instance. If you're installing for yourself you can just leave them in the htag-x.y.z directory. 2. Module ========= requires a perl module so I suggest: cp HtagPlugin/ /usr/local/lib/site_perl or somewhere sensible that looks like a site_perl dir and is in the list given by: perl -e 'print join "\n", @INC;' If you want to make your own local perl directory (or you have no choice because you are not root on the machine you're installing it on), then make a directory, copy the module there, and add a line like: use lib '/home/huggie/.perllibs/'; to the top of which is the only file which uses this module since the advent of eval of plugins (Hooray!). NOTE: This must be an absolute path if you're going to call it from random locations. If I write an install script it will do this for you. 3. Config file ============== Copy the sample.htrc to ~/.htrc and edit it lots. See for more information. 4. Signatures ============= Create your own sigs. You can use some of the sigs I provide as templates. See for more information. 5. Using it =========== To call htag from mutt and tin I use a script which I've called msg which contains: #!/bin/sh ~/perl/huggietag/current/ -m $1 2>&1 # |tee ~/.htaglog # Uncomment the pipe to tee for debugging vim $1 It assumes your mail/newsreader will pass the message file in as the first argument. If you wanted to you could modify it to do clever things based on the contents of the arguments passed (e.g. if tin passes <+line number> then you could detect that and pass it on to your editor). I don't do that because I have vim macros that do some elementary cleaning up and cursor positioning before I actually type anything in mail/news but you might want to. If you create anything you think others might find useful then mail it to me. (a version of my current vimrc might be at but it might well not be when you read this :)) Enjoy. I hope you find this useful and if you do mail me and let me know what didn't work right, what you use it for, what plugins you wrote or how it Just Works :)