HISTORY - HtagPlugin.pm 27/05/2001 - 0.5 Change to use perl style version number so it can be verified with "use HtagPlugin.pm 0.5;" Use nicedie as htagdie now and move it from htag.pl to here. 09/11/2000 - 0.0.4 Added reg_deletion and delete_tmpfiles. 15/08/2000 - 0.0.3 Modified so that it evals perl plugins. Lots of things could have gone wrong here. I think I've got rid of most of the problems but let me know if you find any. 15/08/2000 - 0.0.2 Only passes the three arguments which you cannot obtain elsewhere to all plugins. (Message file, config file and VERSION) Added the cunning "plugins may substitute just like tags can" code. Pick an unused letter between A-Z and a-z and then get users to use @X10R@ style things (where X is your letter). Call scansigfile("X") and parse the results generating one line per returned array element which merge.pl will merge in for you. See marknlard for the first sample plugin to use this. Register your letter with me to avoid disappointment. See LETTERS for the official list of reserved letters. 29/07/2000 - 0.0.1 Made all plugins check for version of HtagPlugin.pm