1 火锅锅底 huǒ guō guō dǐ 1. HOTPOT BASE 01 滋补鸳鸯锅 zī bǔ yuān yāng guō yuan-yang hotpot base (divided pot, spicy + non-spicy) 02 特色香辣锅 tè sè xiāng là guō fragrant spicy hotpot base (lots of chilli) 03 滋补清汤锅 zī bǔ qīng tāng guō non-spicy hotpot base with medicinal herbs and things 2 小料味碟 xiǎo liào wèi diè 2. DIPPING SAUCES 01 金牌酱料 jīn pái jiàng liào house special sauce 02 麻酱 má jìang sesame paste 03 沙茶酱 shā chá jiàng shacha sauce (garlic, shallot, chilli, dried shrimp) 04 蒜泥麻油 suàn ní má yóu mashed garlic and sesame oil 05 川琦 chuān qí not actually sure what this is - the things in brackets are (海鲜.鲜辣.原味) "seafood", "fresh spicy", "original flavour" (hǎi xiān . xiān là . yuàn wèi) 3 特供肉类 tè gōng ròu lèi 3. MEAT 01 经典羊肉 jīng diǎn yáng ròu "classic" lamb 02 特色肥牛 tè sè féi niú beef ("characteristic fatty beef") 03 五花肉 wǔ huā ròu pork belly 04 午餐肉 wǔ cān ròu spam 05 牛百叶 niú bǎi yè beef tripe 06 鸡胸肉 jī xiōng ròu chicken breast 4 海鲜类 hǎi xiān lèi 4. SEAFOOD 01 基围虾 ? ? xiā prawns (large, shell-on) 02 鱿鱼 yóu yú squid 03 青口 qīng kǒu mussels 04 墨鱼仔 mò yú zi baby cuttlefish 05 鱼块 yú kuài sliced fish fillets 5 刷丸类 shuā wán lèi 5. MEATBALLS/FISHBALLS 01 牛肉丸 niú ròu wán beef balls 02 鱼肉丸 yú ròu wán fish balls 03 猪肉丸 zhū ròu wán pork balls 04 虾丸 xiā wán prawn balls 05 蟹肉棒 xiè ròu bàng crabsticks 06 迷你竹轮 mí nǐ zhú lūn/lún mini chikuwa (steamed surimi/fish paste product) 07 螃蟹味丸 páng xiè wèi wán crab-flavour balls 08 黑椒鱼豆腐 hēi jiāo yú dòu fu fish balls with tofu and black pepper 09 龙虾丸 lóng xiā wán lobster balls 6 蔬菜类 shū cài lèi 6. VEGETABLES 01 小白菜 xiǎo bái cài baby bok choi 02 大白菜 dà bái cài Chinese leaf 03 豆苗 dòu miáo pea shoots (mangetout leaves) 04 生菜 shēng cài lettuce 05 茼蒿 tóng hāo garland chrysanthemum/tong hao (green leafy vegetable) 06 土豆片 tǔ dòu piàn sliced potato 07 菠菜 bō cài spinach 08 冬瓜 dōng guā winter melon 09 通菜 tōng cài water spinach 10 海带丝 hǎi dài sī shredded kelp 11 白萝卜 bái luó bo daikon 7 豆制品 dòu zhì pǐn 7. TOFU PRODUCTS 01 鲜豆腐 xiān dòu fu fresh tofu 02 冻豆腐 dòng dòu fu frozen (spongy) tofu 03 腐竹 fu zhú dried yuba sticks (beancurd skin) 04 炸豆腐 zhà dòu fu fried tofu 05 油豆皮 yóu dòu pí fried yuba (beancurd skin) 06 芋丝 yù sī shredded taro 8 菇类 gū lèi 8. MUSHROOMS 01 香菇 xiāng gū shiitake mushrooms 02 茶树菇 chá shù gū tea tree mushrooms 03 金针菇 jīn zhēn gū enoki mushrooms 04 平菇 píng gū blue oyster mushrooms 05 木耳 mù ěr wood ear fungus 9 面食(粉)类 miàn fàn (fěn) lèi 9. RICE AND NOODLES 01 蒙古宽粉 méng gǔ kuán fěn Mongolian wide rice noodles 02 小年糕 xiǎo nián gāo sliced New Year cake (glutinous rice cake) 03 粉丝 fěn sī bean thread vermicelli (glass noodles)