; ; Configuration for onak, an OpenPGP compatible keyserver ; [main] backend=defaultdb4 backends_dir=@LIBDIR@/onak/backends logfile=@STATEDIR@/log/onak.log ; Loglevel : 0 is highest debug, default is 3, nothing is 7+ loglevel=3 ; Should we use the keyd backend? use_keyd=false sock_dir=@RUNDIR@ ; Maximum number of keys to return in a reply to an index, verbose index or ; get. Setting it to -1 will allow any size of reply. max_reply_keys=128 ; Settings related to key verification options available. [verification] ; Verify signature hashes - verify that the hash a signature claims to be ; over matches the hash of the data. Does not actually verify the signature. check_sighash=true ; Settings related to the email interface to onak. [mail] maintainer_email=PGP Key Server Administrator mail_dir=@STATEDIR@/spool/onak ; Specify the envelope sender address as the -f argument to ; sendmail. This is the address which will receive any bounces. ; If you don't use sendmail, then change this to an equivalent command. ; If you do not want to process mail requests, leave this unset. mta=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi -fmailer-daemon ; Where the main onak binary lives, so the script that handles incoming ; email knows where to find it. bin_dir=@BINDIR@ ; Email address outgoing incremental messages will come from. ; Needs to match the syncsite entries others sites have for this site. this_site=pgp-public-keys@the.earth.li ; Include a syncsite line for each site with which you are exchanging ; incremental requests. ;syncsite=pgp-public-keys@keys.nl.pgp.net ;syncsite=pgp-public-keys@blackhole.pca.dfn.de ;syncsite=pgp-public-keys@pgp.es.net ;syncsite=pgp-public-keys@keyserver.linux.it ;syncsite=pgp-public-keys@pgp.dtype.org ;syncsite=pgp-public-keys@kjsl.com ; Database backend configurations below here [backend:defaultdb4] type=db4 location=@STATEDIR@/lib/onak